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a brief overview
A concept focuses on developing IQ knowledge of the reader with a mission to transform them into reading aficionados. It is planned and devised according to a customized content structure that contains written content and attractive high-resolution images. The readers can explore a variety of compositions in different areas of interest, and the expected audience is the all-ages of +14—reading/writing learners and visual learners.
It has eight sections in its content - Green Dream: the worth of a green world, Masterpiece: an artifact or artistic prospect, SiFi Ride: a futuristic vehicle, Headline: a most noted global news event, Life Goes On: the tradition and advancing way of life, Precious Land: a heritage site or a landscape, Historic Letter: a letter drafted by a renowned social icon, Opinion: posts a guest articles written with opinions. The content had been achieved through researching, paraphrasing, and copyediting articles, using MS Word, Google docs, and Grammarly for drafting and editorial needs, and Adobe Ps & Id for designing and formatting needs. In the pitching stage of the magazine, the editor decided to keep the word count of the content on each section limited to 1000-1800 words with an objective to extend on prospective issues.
The very first four issues of the magazine are to publish as a preliminary edition, which had formatted according to an identical pattern; also, it merges with the concept magazine compilation called iWrite, which offers the opportunity for indie writers to publish with the magazine. After all, the wiznack is to be implemented as a monthly issue, desiring to establish it as a source of knowledge for the reader to uncover a broader perspective; indeed, the entire content of the magazine is carefully determined to offer the readers the best they deserve.

editorial matrix

editor's note

Omalka Arachi
We must do something with our heart and soul, succumbed in great interest and desire with a goal and a mission to serve oneself and the other. We must not exaggerate ourselves with a hidden motive, well, in that case, we can't even imagine where our thoughts will lead us. If we are certain of doing something, we must do it with an agreement, if not, direct denial is worth more than gold. I have written this magazine with much effort. Every day I renewed the pledge I have made to myself hoping to create something better for the future. Write to me, I am open to receive your valuable suggestions and comments.
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Bill Gates' New Rules: published by TIME (Monday, Apr. 19, 1999)
Power comes not from knowledge kept but from knowledge shared.
-Bill Gates